At PODIUM , we value your satisfaction with your purchase. However, we understand that sometimes issues may arise, and you may need to return an item to us. If that is the case, you can return the item(s) for a full refund within 14 days of receiving your goods. Please keep in mind that we do not cover the cost of returns, and any delivery and return carriage fees are non-refundable for items ordered in error or no longer required.
If you need to return an item, please follow these steps. First, use the returns form we provide to inform us that you will be sending the parcel back and explain the reason for the return. Once you have filled out the returns form online, include the return form that was included with your order and place it inside the package with the items you are returning. We recommend using DPD, or your preferred carrier service, to send the package to the following address:
RG14 5SH